America is a Sociopath’s Dream

By Casey Jones, January, 2011

Americans have grown used to the presence of Sociopaths, aka Psychopaths.   We simply call them greedy or liars and a normal part of our lives.  We are failing to recognize the dire fact that they are increasing in number.  And as a moral society we are doing little to stop them.
Many women during World War II were for the first time, given jobs outside of the home. They found that earning a living gave them a sense of empowerment. But after the War ended, females were expected to return to their domestic duties.   In the 1950s women were given electric shock if they stated publicly that they did not want children or they sought an abortion.

Working women were a menace to society, not to be trusted according to a 1954 Esquire magazine article.  Life Magazine called the employment of a married female, a "disease".  And in many states women were denied the right to sign contracts or own property.  Single men were also, a perversion to society, deviants, immature, infantile, even pathological etc. (Stephanie Coontz Beaver 1950 study, pg 7) Often the unhappily married female was forced to stay with her husband for financial survival.  Divorcees were publicly declared “tramps” and scorned.

The 1960s was a rebellious time for both young men and women, who had 1st hand, witnessed the unhappiness and hypocrisy of their parents.   More Americans were buying homes, many choosing to live in the suburbs, away from their parents and generational cautious relatives.  Women were pursuing a career versus a husband.  The title of “wife” fell lower and lower on the wish list.

Presently, many women in the United States are self-sufficient. This independence makes them particularly vulnerable.  Parents are not living on the 2nd floor, as they do in European countries.  Close relatives often live hundreds of miles away.  Women have jobs, homes, cars, pension plans and checking accounts.  Nowhere on this planet are females allowed these income potentials and assets. 

We have gone from one extreme to the other.  Divorce rate is high, leaving many single women lonely and with children. Sex outside of marriage is openly accepted, men can procreate and walk away.  The Sociopath whose biggest needs are sex and power, has little desire to be a parent, they abandon their offspring.
Nurturing women, especially those in the caring professions:  nurses, social work, counseling, flight attendants, etc. are prime targets. They are more prone to overlooking the faults of others.  Unfortunately, their trusting nature makes them the easiest prey.
The experts believe that both male and female, sociopathic tendencies are at least 50% hereditary.  There is strong evidence that it comes primarily from the mother.  The parent’s lack of discipline and accountability allows the teenage Sociopath to grow into adulthood without any reprisal.  In a society filled with single mothers discipline takes a backstage to putting food on the table.

Evidence indicates that through-out recorded history, in every kind of society, world-wide there have been Sociopaths. Anthropologist Jane M. Murphy studied the isolated Inuit Indian tribe near the Bering Strait, in 1976.   They described to her a man who repeatedly lied, stole, refused to go hunting and pursued other men's wives without any fear of reprimands.  The tribal members had a unique approach to dealing with such individuals.  They would discreetly push them off the edge of the ice.

In the East Asian countries, as few as 1 in 140 of their population is deemed a Sociopath.   But in the United States the number is 1 in 25 and this number is escalating.  Some experts believe that 1 out of 10 American males is a Sociopath. Our mobile culture creates a feeding frenzy for them, to not only achieve his or her desires, but to be rarely held responsible.

Individualism vs. group mind-set is encouraged and fostered in our culture.  In Asian societies, sociopaths may be encouraged to mentally compensate for their lack of social conscience.  In other words, a sociopath born into an Asian family will be forced by their culture to give up some of their extremely selfish behaviors. They must blend in, be accepted on some level in their immediate surroundings in order to survive. 

But in an American family despite some parents efforts to instill moral values in the child.  The parental guidance is out-voiced by our own society's constant accolades for fame and fortune, at any cost to others.  
Today, an individual’s reputation is based on owning a Mercedes or designer clothing, instead of honor and integrity.  Greed is so common, that we not only expect it and accept it; most Americans actually admire it.
Reasons More Sociopaths are Hired in Corporate America

1.  Sociopaths are often given assumed leadership qualities, such as taking charge or making quick decisions. 
2. They are socially manipulative and charming, convincing Management of their expertise and vast experience. 
3. Our growing bureaucracy of the 1990s created a competitive, hiring strategy.  Success was no longer based on who could get the job done.  But to those with huge egos and indifference to what or whom they destroy.
4.  The Sociopath found a fertile environment for their personality in this new business world.  And the loyal co-worker’s complaints fell on deaf ears.

In many ways the Sociopath is not to be envied.  Without the ability to love, a person can't experience true, deep and meaningful happiness.  The joy of hugging your own child or lover are emotions that Sociopaths never experience.  We should have sympathy for them, yet remain adamant about stopping or controlling their disparaging and sometimes vicious behavior.

Start the rebuilding process….you are not alone, think clearly about your options.   Be prepared as the Police will probably do NOTHING to stop these predators.  My father used to say to me growing up on a ranch “Always get back on the horse!”  I might add that continuing to feel ashamed is a much worse fate.  Doing nothing prolongs the feeling of hopelessness.

Evidence indicates that through-out recorded history, in every kind of society, world-wide there have been sociopaths. Anthropologist Jane M. Murphy studied the isolated Inuit Indian tribe near the Bering Strait, in 1976.   They described to her a man who repeatedly lied, stole, did not go hunting and pursued other men's wives without any fear of reprimands.  The tribal members had a unique approach to dealing with these individuals.  They would discreetly push them off the edge of the ice.

 Patti A. Wood, MA, CSP
Without Conscience, by Robert Hare, PhD
Snakes in Suits, by Paul Babiak, PhD and Robert Hare, PhD
The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout, PhD
US Dept. of Justice booklet Rights, Roles and Responsibilities----A Handbook for Fraud Victims Participating in the Federal Criminal Justice System.
Games Criminals Play” by Bud Allen and Diana Bosta.
Thanks to Barbara Bentley, author of A Dance with the Devil
and thanks to Donna Anderson, Founder of LoveFraud.com
30-40 articles from the Internet on Sociopaths